I love riding on the ferry and feeding the seagulls as they follow along. They are so pretty....noisy....and yet so tame.
Here is a seagull in New York City....braving the cold and snow...
This guys along for the ride....
Yes I did pass art in Elementary school....aren't you proud I am a stick girl feeding a blue bird?
The more the Merrier....
This past fall I was up WAY early trying to find conch shells...another fav...and we watched this dude fly in the water catch this fish and then eat it on the side of the beach...yummy.
check out this video of my encounter with this mack daddy of all seagulls....
I love the fiesty birds that are hungry and are willing to get really close for their next meal. Such as eating off the top of my head....
And nope I have never been pooped on ;)
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